I live in Babylon New York. I have a parking issue. The Condo configuration is one where the unit is part of 14 units. Each unit looks like a townhouse with 3 levels in each unit. Garage and driveway for a parking spot in front of each unit used by each unit holder. Then we have a 17 space parking lot for additional parking and guests when needed. We do not have designated spots for owners nor guests. But guest must have an assigned decal when visiting.
The Condo Association has a rule that states residents are prohibited from allowing non residents to use his or her driveway and or garage for frequent personal use. This includes parking for the LIRR.
The LIRR is the Long Island Rail Road.
I unfortunately have broken the rule three times now. My Sister in Law uses my driveway to use the LIRR once a week to do a good deed works in NYC. I kept forgetting to tell her not to park in my driveway. But I do believe that the rule reaches too far in my use of the driveway. I believe the driveway to my unit constitutes some sort of use that although is common it is part of my unit and the usage restrictions would be minimized.
My Condo Association has fined me now $100 for first violation $250 for a second