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Property manager offers no help with termite problem


Where can a resident turn to when termites have been found in their unit with notable damage in the walls and molding? Board of trustees will not speak with resident. They let their property manager have full control of everything concerning the condos. The property managers run the association like an apartment building. Residents have no say.  The property managers want to come in and spray pesticides in my home under my slab flooring. They refuse to use bait traps. Spraying of pesticides in homes is no longer necessary. Problem started in March with no treatment.  This is a ground level condo. It is their way or no way. Who or where can I go to find out my rights as an owner? Property management has warned me not to tell other tenants in building. They say other resident do not need to know about termites infecting their building. I even offered to split cost of treatment. I need help now. Any ideas anyone?

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