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Someone is taking my parking spot


I am 81 years of age - have Emphysema & COPD - am on oxygen 24/7,

The Association only has three /3) handicap spaces, I park in one of the spaces as entitled to be in - however. There are times when I can not get a handicap space as it is already taken by some one else or a guest is need if this space,

There was a car (unbeknown to me as to whose car it was) in MY ASSIGNED SPOT that does not belong to me I. My space, had there not been a handicap space available for me to use - and a strange car was parked in my assigned spot. I would then have to park my car in the guest spaces which FOR ME IS A GOOD WALK TO THE BUILDING where I reside:

I would like responses to acknowledge my point and to please comment on this matter + thank you,

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