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What to do about condo association board's spending?


Pursuant to the Illinois State Condominium Property Act, are the condo association board directors and managers allowed to receive compensation for their service and guidance?

There is nothing to my knowledge in our Condo Association bylaws that specifies that issue.

Checking accounts and credit cards (including use of ATM's) are given to our Condo Association board president at their discretion. Are there any legal requirements under the Condominium Property Act, for disclosure and detailing of monies used accordingly? Can a homeowner request a copy of the financial reports for individual viewing, regarding any suspicious or questionable expenditures by the Condo Association board of directors and managers?

In short, what are the homeowners rights as it pertains to the financial expenditures incurred by a Condo Association board of members? And what steps can be taken by homeowners if any irregularities and questionable expenditures have occured?

There appears to be some irregularities and abuse of finances with my Condo Association board: regarding ie. expendituring restaurants bills, compensation to association board members, bonuses to payroll employees and volunteer homeowners, etc.

Please advise. Your feedback would be much appreciated.

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