I live in a Michigan condo association with 152 condo units. We were paying $30K per year for condo association insurance, payable over 12 months, with a $10K deductible. There was a fire (and death) in 2013 that destroyed at least 5 condo units, and 10 others had to be partially replaced. It has been 11 months, and there are still 5 owners who have not moved back in.
Needless to say, the insurance was cancelled. We were put in the ‘high risk’ category and the only company that would insure us quoted $90K, paid in advance. It was a hardship on our 2014 budget, but we managed to pay $100K. Is there anyone out there who could advise us whether or not there are other sources that would insure us for less? The deductible remains at $10K, and come September we will need to fork over another $90K. Help please. Thanks!