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How to write proper agenda for a condo association or HOA meeting?


Annual meeting coming up. We have someone from the police department coming to speak about neighborhood safety. I made the arrangements, with property managers consent, to have him speak at the beginning of the meeting. When the agenda came out, he is on the agenda under open discussion, which is at the end of the meeting. The speaker was to entice people to come so that we would have a quorum. When I questioned where he was in the agenda, I was told that, officially, by the documents, only certain things are allowed on the agenda, so speakers can only be put under "homeowners discussion" which is at the end of the meeting...long after a quorum has been established. I can find nothing in our by-laws that addresses this issue and am questioning what "documents" she is talking about. The speaker is scheduled to speak right after roll call and verification of a quorum, even though that is not the way it reads on the agenda. is this proper?

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