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Condo association practices, identity theft and the Privacy Act


My question is in regard to "Privacy Act", for a Florida Condo Association. As I attended a "Regular Board Meeting" last evening, a statement by the President was made that made me question the Privacy Act Laws. The President stated she called the property manager to get a former residents Social Security Number and license number. Let me also state that I use to take care of the association books and all Personal Identifiers were blocked out on every document that I filed for the association's records. This unit owner has been off property for over 2.5 years and the unit has been in the foreclosure process. The President stated she took the information and went on her home computer to perform a search using the social security and license number so she could obtain his current address. Then she passed the information on to the association attorney. This case has been with the attorney for 2.5 years. Does the fact that the Property Manager gave sensitive personal information out for a purpose like this violate any laws? Why did the attorney or the Property Manager never perform this type of search? In today's times with identity theft going on I find this to be a unethical practice. Regardless if the information was given to the President or any board member for that matter. Your comments would be appreciated.

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