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Unit owner needs advice on condo building noises and vibrations


I am in a 2nd floor condo unit. I have been getting low-bass vibrations since September. Originally I thought they were from a sound system (the unit next to me has a wall-mounted t.v. into the studs of our party wall). But, since the change to cold weather I notice the vibrations during the day while people are at work so I believe it is coming from the heat pump from the unit below me.

The problem is 3-fold.

1. No other unit feels the vibrations so the property management company doesn't want to do anything.

2. The management company says their lawyers said that since they don't have funds in the budget to take care of this, they don't have to do anything.

3. It's been recommended that I call the police but I don't see how they could do anything because it's low bass and becomes a problem when I'm reclining on my couch watching t.v. or in bed and the low-bass noises go on for hours. They sometimes feel like a mechanical item that is pumping, other times like low bass sounds shadow boxing, or a buzz in the floor.

I've had my own heating contractor out twice but the noises weren't happening while they were inspecting my unit to make sure it wasn't my unit creating the problem. I don't want to get lawyers involved. I've recommended to the downstairs unit that they have their heat pump checked as the temperatures have dropped and they could end up being without heat.

My 2 fears are: 1. This situation could cause a fire. 2. I have some health problems that the constancy of these vibrations could make worse. What recourse do I have?

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