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Condo association board member under fire for hiring contractor


I have an association board member that met with a contractor.  This is a contractor that works with her husband and she told this contractor that she has the authority to just give him the contract for the repairs. She never went through the Board for this meeting or decision and the President wants to tell her to stop & tell the contractor that she mis-spoke on the Boards behalf. My condo building's new Board is under the microscope on contractors they hire because the old Board was accused of getting kickbacks from some contractors. He feels that because of this history it would be in bad taste to have this contractor do the job because of his relationship w/ this Board member & her husband, not to mention that no other bids were collected. He does not want to confront her without something in writing to back up him up. I have looked though 514B but cannot find anything that addresses this specific issue. Maybe an ethics violation?

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