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HOA driveways get used for kid's playgrounds at owners annoyance


We live in a 5 unit Townhome property with two units in the front, and three in the back. A common driveway to all the garages separate the front and back buildings. Recently a number of families have started to use the driveway as a play area for their young children. They set up safety cones to warn incoming divers that their kids are at play. They supervise them. So far, no problems. There are two concerns. First is safety. It now becomes incumbent on the incoming drivers to avoid the kids. Drivers must wait until the aria is clear before opening their garage doors and proceeding. Second, with cement and stucco on all sides creating a echo chamber, the otherwise normal sound of kids playing is magnified. Closing windows does not help. I work out of my home sometimes find it unprofessional to be on the phone with clients. Do owners have the right to use a common driveway as a playground for their kids?

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