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HOA insists on unit repair work, then slaps owner with $800 bill


A couple nights ago, a plumber hired by my HOA, dropped by my unit around midnight, claiming that he was investigating a possible leak in my unit. After shutting off the water in my unit, he told me that he could come back the next morning, but asked if it was okay if he could work longer in my unit. I agreed because I didn't think I'd be responsible for the bill. He worked until 1:30 am or so, and ended up determining that the leak was coming from my dishwasher; unfortunately, during his investigation, he caused more water damage to the units below. He disconnected the dishwasher, then left - never stating that I may be responsible for the bill. The next morning, I received a bill for $800+, and was told that the HOA was insisting that I was responsible for the bill because the damage was caused by my dishwasher. At no time, was I provided a quote, nor told that I may be responsible for the bill. I never signed any paperwork. What can I do?

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