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Handyman couple take advantage of condo association board


I’m on the board of a 142 unit association in Plymouth, MN. We released our FT and PT (husband and wife) last October. They had been at our association for 14 years. The cost of compensation, housing and benefits had grown out of control, over $110,000 annually. The board had issues with them over last year. Not communicating, questionable paperwork, attitude, etc… He had even submitted his resignation in Feb 2012, then retracted it. Unfortunately we allowed him. Our fault. He hadn't anticipated what was going to happen. In August 2012 they submitted a detailed bill to us for painting of their unit (we owned) charging us $1500. The bill was very detailed even telling us that it took “3 coats for walls and 2 for the ceiling”. They claimed we had OK’d it “a while back” but none of us could recall. Of course, we refused to pay even after they had sent us a follow up explanation for charges and a “past due” statement. Well, at the end of September we decided to eliminate the positions (10/1) and make a new PT “limited duty” caretaker position. Contracting out other services. After their departure from the property in mid October, we entered our unit to find that they had painted NOTHING! Is this fraud? Can we prosecute them? They have been manipulating and stirring things up with many of our owners. They are friends with some. Misinformation, gossip and lies are running rampant. We were willing to look the other way on this at first. But now the BOD is willing to spend 10 times that amount to get this out. I’d like to contact our attorney and get him involved. The BOD would be willing to accept a written apology to the Association. If not, we are to the point that we prosecute if it is an option. Any advice?

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