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Why can't I have more than one pet?


Prior to moving into my condo, I was informed I would not be able to bring my 3 animals with me. I made a plan to give one of my dogs to a friend and a cat to a family member. Unfortunately, at the last minute, those plans fell through. When I spoke with an association member (which I, wrongly at the time, assumed was someone who had 'legal' ability to make decisions) just prior to move I was told that it would be ok to bring the 2nd (under 40#, combined weight) dog...that that person also had 2 pets which had been approved (this person stated that she didn't think the PM was even aware that another person in their agency approved the 2 pets. Fast forward to a month or two later and the cat situation turned out to be a disaster (cat was born with brain damage and could not handle the move...hid and would not eat for over a month). With the help of medication from Vet, I rescued him and brought him to my place...again, I was told it'd not be a big deal by the person who had the cats. I got a letter of warning...then began being fined $75./week.

My question is this; there are, in addition to the person referenced above, at least 2 additional residents with more than one pet...the board/PM is not aware of who these people are. Isn't it illegal to waive the 'rule' for one resident but not for another? I believe, at the very least, it's discrimination, or, what's known as 'selective enforcement'. Help! I don't want to be an idiot...I rarely use condo grounds to take my dogs out, I bring them to town property/wooded areas. My cat, due to brain disorder, doesn't even come downstairs....


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