A year ago our community had a Property Manager who had to be the worse human being alive as far as getting great pleasure out of cheating others, ruining their property and doing whatever would cause the condo owners here a great deal of stress. I truly believe the PM is the wife of the management company owner as the owner slipped and told a condo owner here they were married.
Many condo owners from the complex next door also said they were married as the husband and wife have been PM there. A few years ago, the same PM gave me fines on two different occasions and sent letters in the mail without previous warnings which are usually sent out for burned out light bulbs. The PM herself told my daughter on the phone she was removing the fines as we never had a burned out light bulb. Beside the PM giving us her word she would remove the fines, the past president told the PM to remove all of the fines I had before he moved in 2009. I truly believe that all the fines were taken off my account. Just recently I found out that the fines were never removed so I wrote to the PM about this and today received a letter telling me that the HOA does not want to remove the fines. I never had a burned out light bulb and 2 fines are for that.
The PM used selective enforcement when giving out fines about dogs without a leash on and since that is against the law the fines she gave me when my dogs were out of the house for 30 seconds went I tried to get the PM's attention as she was walking through my back area should also be removed. One of the corrupt board member actually sat in his car and spied on the back of my condo to see if my dogs went out and I did get a fine saying that someone saw my dogs out without a leash. The PM has made excuse for other dogs being out without a leash just saying things like its okay, he's excited. I guess I am being punished for speaking up against the wrong type of things the PM was doing for a conflict of interest only.
Last week, I wrote to the management co. about having those fines removed and I just heard back from them saying the board would not remove the fines. I do believe what the PM, management co. and some HOA members have done is not only horrible and unethical but criminal. Thank God we have 6 or 7 years to file a lawsuit for fraud as I am too stressed out to do anything right now but I will not forget that it can be done. Does anyone have any advise as to what I can do about these fines now as I have this belief that I pay on time for everything I owe but these are fake fines that I honestly don't owe and don't deserve. This condo HOA board and the PM have done this to harass me more than they already have hoping I will just move and someone else will be stuck with what they did wrong to my condo. Thank you and have a great day with your good PM.