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Chicago association needs way to improve window situation


chicago-condo-windowsIn Chicago, single-paned windows are not energy efficient in our high-rise apartments, 2 buildings of 270 units each.
Our manager suggests a solution: A company would attach another pane to the inside of our present windows, which would be cheaper than replacing the windows.
The problem: This would be expensive, $3,000-$6,000 per unit, depending on size.
According to our docs, windows are the owners' responsibility. The association pays for heating.
Therefore, owners are being asked to pay for something that would save money for the association as a whole. (Owners would benefit because their units would be warmer and quieter but I doubt if many would want to pay so much.)
Is there any better way to handle this? Could we change our docs to make windows the responsibility of the association?
Could the association make payments to the owners to cover upgrading their windows with a second pane?
(I doubt if it would be practical to lower the assessments of those who installed the new windows.)

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