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Condo association owners upset over closed common area space


I own my condo in Connecticut in a mid-size building. We have two common areas one being a small gym attached to a meeting room and the other being a large, fully outdoors patio. Many members have been upset that the patio has not been opened yet this year. I have a great view of it and even in non-covid times I can’t remember when I saw more than 10 people in this area at once but there are grills and seating areas which people like to use. We are puzzled since indoor/outdoor dining has been allowed for many months and recently, restaurant party limits outside have been lifted. It is basically impossible to get in touch with any board members or association managers but many have tried and we are wondering if they are keeping these areas closed out of spite?! (They know how angry some people are) Looking for some suggestions on how to get anywhere on this issue. Their most recent newsletter stated they were following state guidelines with reopening which is just a lie! Any comment/suggestions welcomed! 

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