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Every time the upstairs owner ran her dryer the heat came down!


This question is submitted by Nancy G. out of Florida

I own a condo and my unit is on the first floor, with a 2nd condo above me. Last October every time the upstairs owner ran her dryer the heat came down into my dryer and heated my laundry. The association had a man come and I was told that they were responsible because it was a shared dryer vent. 
They had someone come in January and he cleaned the vent from the roof down. In March I noticed it was happening again and contacted the association. They now say it's our responsibility and that they did it as a favor because of me having lost my wife in February. 
I spoke with the guy who had come and cleaned it in January along with 3 other dryer vent companies and they say that the problem is with the upstairs unit since their heat is coming down into my unit. I've contacted them but they are not doing anything. Who do you all think is responsible and what can I do?





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