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What is the definition of an association's common area?


We have an 8 unit association with common and private areas. The two lower units have an external private entry doorway, and the six units above have balconies and sliding doors. In a window replacement project, sliding doors were also included, so in a way considered "common area"-- I'm pretty sure balconies, though private to their associated six units were also explicitly called "common area" in writing for purpose of maintenence. I'm on the lower floor, so I have a private entry, it would be great to have this door replaced because it has leaks to the elements of rain. In a sense to the beauty of the building, I'd consider it common because it is external and it would be best if both the lower private entry doors be the same. The association also handles external and in between units as common. An instance is they handled a leak/rain into my unit from the outside. However, this leaky door seems to be a little different for them. So my definition does say yes, the inner drywall is unit responsibility, but the other side of the walls are common and visibly external are association common areas to the edge of the property.

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