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Help: Neighbor's HVAC installation leaks and causes unit damage


I have an incident where the owner above (2nd floor) me had a contractor friend install a new HVAC system without a permit.  As a result the main condensate line broke and water leaked into out 1st floor condo. The master policy does not cover condensate lines. The board replaced the entire condensate line (6 floors), but said the rest is between the owners. I have sent email and texts requesting the owner file a claim with his insurance co., but he says his contractor did nothing wrong. There was no leak prior to the work. As it stand now I have to pay my $500 deductible and have a claim on my policy. I found out he has the same insurance company as me, but the insurance company doesn't seem to want to after him because the pipe was old. I have asked them to go after the contractor friend he used. Please help I need some direction. As it stands now there is approx. $4700 in damage and that is before they start to pull the floor up. My insurance company has left that portion of the claim open.  Ocean City, Maryland.

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