We have a small HOA (only 5 homes with a possible 2 more to be built whenever) in Michigan. The developer is a very narcissistic, unscrupulous individual (that is putting it mildly) that just resigned his position as President. He challenges everything we want to do to improve our sub or our houses. Our HOA documents clearly state that he can veto any decision that we vote on. Because the two lots that are for sale (that is where the other 2 homes could be built) are in his sons name, therefore he has no voting rights afforded to him other than a veto for what we decide to do. With that being said, what course of action can we take to repeal/over ride his veto power? He is one that likes to bully everyone in the subdivision, it doesn't matter how the person is. I've had numerous disagreements with him to the point where he filed a complaint with the police department (that is why I'm not a board member). Because he's not held true to his proposal agreement when he wanted approval to build the subdivision, the city is looking at legal action against him if he doesn't adhere to what he agreed to almost 12 years ago. Have a great day, hope to hear from you soon, thank you.
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