What is your personal opinion on how much noise is acceptable in a condo apartment/townhouse? Both town law and CCRs are subjective on the matter. There is restriction on excessive noise any time of the day. Obviously, the standard is different for day v night.
Is it acceptable to have your TV/radio at a level that the neighbors can hear a 'low hum' in the middle of the night?
Is it excessive to be moderately loud 1 or 2 times per week for a few hours at a time? IE neighbors can just make out sounds sounds from your TV such as distinct voices, a phone ringing, a knock on the door, an engine revving, or the lyrics of the music. Is it excessive to be that loud 3-5 days per week 5-12 hours per day?
How often is it okay for music to be so loud, neighbors can feel vibrations? Is it acceptable for lyrics or TV dialogue to be distinct to the neighbors?
What about boisterous conversations to the point they aren't private conversations? Is that okay going on late into the night?
At what times of day is noise acceptable? Should it be toned down by 9pm, 11pm?
My situation is this: A bordering RENTER is trying very hard to make a nuisance of herself. Among other things, She played her music very loud 3-5x/week for about 3 months, often past 2am. One day, she had her TV loud during the day. I didn't think much of it, but she went out and left it on. At first, I thought maybe she was just running to the laundry room or to pick up food, but she didn't come back for 5 hours....and all the time, I had to listen to her TV.
But at least that was only in her Living Room/bordering my LR, About a month ago, she got electronics in the bedroom which borders my bedroom. It was okay at 1st (normal volumes, could only hear it sometimes). But this past week she has started blaring her TV again...past 3am.
There has been loud banging at 1am. Last time the outright slamming was so startling, I nearly had to go to the ER as my blood pressure spiked dangerously high.
I don't expect her to be quiet all the time, I do feel like she should be able to enjoy her music/TV at moderate levels occasionally, but it needs to be reasonable.
What is a reasonable limit? I work partially from home. And after a while the noise grates at my nerves.
I've spent a lot of time in a few other condos in the building and very rarely have heard tv/music coming from those neighbors, so I don't think its a case of the building construction (its a 75 year old building).
My neighbor has been hostile and nasty to me. Basically, she's a Karen. The HOA won't intervene. My options are to start calling police every time and document the noise (especially at 2am) and if it continues, file a criminal charge and/or contact her landlord, maybe consult a lawyer about some type of cease and desist.