My son, Chris, purchased a Condo in North Carolina 2 years ago. We met with a member of the Board prior to purchasing the Condo and asked if there was anything regarding the Condo we needed to know.(Asked on 3 different occasions) Since Chris is Visually Impaired, we were making enlarged print labels for the Electrical Panel inside his Condo and discovered that 3 hall lights that are on 24/7 have been wired to his Electrical Panel (These lights are in a Hall Common Area). Since Chris is disabled due to Medical problems as a child, he is on a fixed income and does not need this extra expense. When I advised the Same Board Member about this, her first response was "how did you find out." There are 12 Condo units in each building (6 on 2nd floor, 6 on first floor). I have been advised now that everyone (who may actually not know) pays for 1 or 2 lights, but none three. Also Chris pays for three (End Unit) so everyone could not be paying for lights (There are only 6 lights in the hall and 6 Condos on each of 2 levels. They have admitted that this was an Electric Contractor error when the Condos were built, but they decided not to do anything about it. We have just asked them to reimburse Chris for the amount of the Common area lights or take them off his Electrical Panel. We have lived in a Condo environment for over 10 years due to his disabilities and have never had to pay for anything other than "inside our walls", not the Common areas. Chris has e-mailed the ADA and they need more info which we will follow up on, but I need to know how to handle this problem. Chris feels he is being discrimminated against both as a Condo Owner and a Disabled person on a fixed income.