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Are HOA board members allowed to meet in privacy?


Are meetings of officers separate from the entire board allowed? I am a homeowner as well as a board member in a HOA of 1500 homes. We have a board of 12 members with 4 officers. The 4 officers have taken it upon themselves to call themselves the "Executive Committee" They meet privately with no notices of the meetings posted and set the agenda items as well as promulgate rules of conduct for the meetings and take up other matters without notice to even the other board members. They have turned down such requests as having an open forum and even allowing anyone to see or have presented a Manager's report. We are in Florida and have a monthly BoD meeting with severely limited discussion allowed on even the agenda items. They are absolutely united in their determination to have no changes made. Is any of this in violation of any Florida statutes or laws, and what remedies can any of you suggest? Thank you in advance.

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