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Worries about trees damaging condo


We own a single family condo and share ownership of the land around the 20 condos in our wooded development. Many of the ash trees surrounding a number of the condos are dead or dying due to the ash borer beetle. It has always been an unwritten policy that the association would cut down or trim trees that could damage a condo. The past 2 years we have been cutting down as many of the dead ash trees as our budget would allow. This year we voted to raise the monthly assessment so we would have more money to continue this large job. Last month we received the minutes from the latest Board meeting stating they have decided not to cut down the remaining ash trees but would instead just top them off. The wooded area starts maybe 20-25ft behind the condos and all our living/dining areas face the woods so it is important to us what we will be viewing everyday. We ourselves have at least 8 ash trees that would damage our condo if they would fall so we know these are now slated to be “topped off” rather than cut down completely leaving the view looking ridiculous. Along with destroying the view we feel it could even affect the value of our condo. All we want is the same service the people across the street, where the Board members live, received last year and have the trees totally taken down. Is there anything we can do?

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