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Chicago condo owner tries to rally neighbors before election


I live in a large condo complex in Chicago, IL. Recently, we had elections for two board of directors positions. I decided to place my name for the elections. I had some issues with the present board president and decided to run. I remember on several occasions, our property manager, would often indicate that if you are unhappy with your board, then run when the next election comes up. I was so determined to get elected, that I created a master proxy and voting sheet for homeowners to sign. This was a lot easier to have to deal with individual forms provided by the property management. The form clearly indicated the intention of both nominating and voting for me. The homeowners that signed the form clearly understood what they were signing. When it was time to present my signatures at the election meeting, I was informed that the signatures were invalid, since I did not use the proper forms provided. The board must have learned that I was going to run for a board position, and learned of what I was doing, getting signatures prior to the election. The board had present our condo attorney, who indicated that the signatures would not be counted. I am very disappointed. What is so different from petition forms that our city officials use to get their name on the ballot? I used the same format that not only nominated me, but also cast a vote for me. Have other condo associations experienced what happened to me? Was the board correct in their decision not recognizing my voting ballot master form? Your responses would be greatly appreciated.

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