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Condo board members fighting with each other


DIRECTORS’ OBSTRUCTIONS AGAINST COLLEAGUE Our HOA has 54 units. It’s very hard to get 5 board members. I volunteered to be the fifth one at the last election. The four other board members have already served for several years and did not welcome my election. They do not consult me on the agenda items and they pre-decide each motion. When we have bids and contracts to be discussed, they leave me very little time to read them and no time to consult. My only administrative access is the monthly financial but without the late payers with secretly negotiated payment plans. They designated the president as the only liaison between our lawyer and the board. As a result, I can’t directly question our lawyer. If I make a motion of my own, there is no second and therefore no ensuing discussion. The Mgr doesn’t allow me to inspect the vendors’ invoices without me paying $50/hour for supervision time. The meetings are purposely not held on a regular basis, at regular times, making it impossible for me to reschedule my professional appointments. I believe they are trying to make me miss three (3) meetings in a row in order to disqualify me as per Florida Statutes. I didn’t find any section in the Statutes, in our Docs or in Robert’s rules addressing such issues. If you have encountered such systematic obstruction, I would very much appreciate your suggestions.

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